Video Casa Rural El Olivar
In this small video we show you how our rural houses are. Specifically, the El Olivar rural complex that is composed of 4 rural apartments set as the old houses of the town. United in the same plot, they share … Continued
La isla de Gran Canaria es una de las islas más populares e interesantes del archipiélago canario, por su diversidad. Sus contrastes paisajísticos y climáticos la han hecho merecedora del título de “continente en miniatura”.
Coexisten paisajes rocosos y escarpados, carentes de vegetación, con palmerales y poblados bosques de pino canario, o valles en los que se mezclan diferentes tonos de verde con colores vivos de buganvillas y orquídeas.
Se alternan playas largas y doradas con pequeñas calas de arena negra y fina, o playas de piedras. Junto a pequeños pueblos pesqueros o de montaña, se levantan ciudades de corte colonial con calles evocadoras que muestran variados estilos arquitectónicos. Y si queremos volver por un momento a nuestros orígenes, no podemos dejar de visitar las cuevas y yacimientos en los que se han rescatado restos arqueológicos aborígenes.
Cuando nos desplazamos de norte a sur de la isla, nos sorprenden las innumerables recetas y formas de hacer un mismo plato. Fenómeno que se explica por la variedad del clima y orografía que encontramos a cada paso y que, indudablemente, tienen reflejo en la gastronomía del lugar. El clima y los diferentes productos autóctonos condicionan las costumbres alimenticias de los habitantes de cada isla y de cada municipio, por lo que la riqueza gastronómica es enorme.
In this small video we show you how our rural houses are. Specifically, the El Olivar rural complex that is composed of 4 rural apartments set as the old houses of the town. United in the same plot, they share … Continued
The ethnographic complex of Las Salinas de Tenefé is located in the Municipality of Santa Lucía, in the so-called Punta de Tenefé (on the coast of Pozo Izquierdo). At present they are the best preserved example of salt pans on … Continued
Gran Canaria Walking Festival is the trekking international meeting of Gran Canaria where nature and trekking lovers come together on the island with one purpose in common: meeting the best and impressive hideouts of Gran Canaria and sharing its wonderful … Continued
Saturday, September 22 Departure at 08:00 from the Municipal Pavilion The City of Santa Lucia, within the activities proposed for the European Week of Mobility 2018, makes the event “Going up to Santa Lucia” an activity that is organized to … Continued
The Gran Canaria Wind and Waves Festival, which takes place this year from July 14 to 22, has become a multidisciplinary event, a benchmark for sports events that are held every summer on the island. For eight consecutive days, windsurfing … Continued
Friday, July 13, at 9:00 p.m. Plaza San Rafael – Vecindario Night Africa with Alex Ikot and Nelida Karr Alex Ikot Born in Equatorial Guinea in an environment marked by music, in which, at an early age, he begins to develop … Continued
Here we leave you some beautiful bird’s-eye views of our rural houses and the town of Santa Lucía de Tirajana.
The documentary “Canarias Reducto de Biodiversidad” is a work, co-produced by Canary Television, the Canary Islands Government and Caja Canarias, and the participation of the seven island councils. “Canarias reductos de bioversidad” is among the highlights of the production of … Continued
The observatories on the Canary Islands are part of the “golden triangle” of World-class Astronomy, together with the researh centres in Hawaii and Chile. From 2000, the island of Gran Canaria is also home to an institution that make the … Continued